VI Course – Set Your Business Mission

Planning Weeks 1-2

Your Business Mission

A mission statement is a simple statement that explains your company’s goals. It’s a summary of what your company does for its customers, employees, and owners. It explains how you do what you do. And, it focuses on why your company does what it does.

So, first we advise you to create a short, one-three-paragraph narrative that describes the following:

  • Your personal philosophy of how you wish to run your company.
  • What your company does for your customers.
  • How you do what you do.
  • What desired outcome you expect your customers to receive from working with you.

How To Do It

1. Open your Marketing Plan Summary.

2. Go to the first section – Describe your business mission.

3. Type in your narrative of your business mission…shoot to stay under 25 words.